Payment Methods Accepted:
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account
Payment Plans:
- Pay in Full
- Plan A: 2-Installment Payment
- 1st half paid at the time of registration.
- 2nd automatically debited from the SAME ACCOUNT on 9/15/24.
- Plan B: 3-Installment Payment
- 1st third paid at the time of registration
- 2nd third automatically debited from the SAME ACCOUNT on 09/15/24.
- Remaining balance automatically debited from the SAME ACCOUNT 10/01/24.
If you wish to use a different account to pay the balance, please log in to your Sport Ngin account BEFORE the first day of payment to update your account information.
ALL late registrations will be assessed a $50.00 late fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!